Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Republicans Use Bears as a Prop in War Against Clinton

In an effort to characterize Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a panderer to special interests, the Republican National Committee has enlisted a junior aide (poor bastard) to stand outside Clinton fundraising events in a panda costume.

I roundly disapprove of using bears as a political prop, especially in D.C. and especially pandas. The panda has become a symbol of Washington that we all can love: black, white, Democratic, and Republican. In these highly divisive times in this city it is important for us to have a symbol to love. It's use in this manner is confusing and inappropriate.

Not only that, but it is highly uncreative and unoriginal. The RNC tried the same tactic when Bill Clinton ran for office. Maybe they needed to reuse the costume to justify the expense. I don't know.


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